Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pregnant Woman Arrested for Beating 6-Year-Old Neighbor Over Bullying Incident

Pregnant Woman Arrested for Beating 6 Year Old Neighbor Over Bullying Incident

When I was growing up, it was understood that in addition to my parents, my extended family, neighbors, friend's parents and school officials all had implicit permission to discipline me if they caught me acting a fool. It was this notion of community parenting that kept most of us in line. When my mom had no idea I cut school and took her car at 15, my neighbor did, and he was all too happy to inform her.

I have often longed for those days when the community took responsibility for the community children. Those times have been replaced by many neighborhoods held hostage by kids we are too scared to confront or parents who would rather curse you out than accept the fact that their child is a little hellion.

A situation like this one, though, is perhaps why this method of "village discipline" has fallen by the way side.

In short, people now are just crazy

This week, a 27-year-old pregnant woman (pictured above) was arrested, after police say she attacked and beat her 6-year-old neighbor, Ian Fauncho (pictured below), nearly knocking out his two front teeth.

Tiffany Nelson
, who is nine-months pregnant, decided to take matters in to her own hands, after her son was allegedly bullied by the aforementioned 6-year-old on the school bus.

Pregnant Woman Arrested for Beating 6 Year Old Neighbor Over Bullying Incident
She drove to the home of the child in question and proceeded to fight him like he owed her money. We're not talking a whooping, a spanking or even a stern talking-to. She actually punched him several times in the face and really beat him up.

The end result is a battered and bruised child who almost lost his two front teeth in the attack.
Pregnant Woman Arrested for Beating 6 Year Old Neighbor Over Bullying Incident

I've heard of pregnant, hormone-filled women acting a little nuts, but this is despicable. To think that this woman is raising her other children along with a baby on the way is truly frightening.

Nelson was taken in to police custody for the assault.

How can a village raise children if the village elders are a bunch of idiots?


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