Friday, October 29, 2010

Liz Smith's 'Thriller' Love Affair With Vince Flynn

Also from Our Gossip Girl, Liz adds her salute to wOw’s bestselling authors, Whoopi and Marlo

Liz Smith | 10/29/2010 12:00 am

Liz Smith

"A thriller" reads the simple two-word definition under the Vince Flynn novel titles.

That’s always good enough for me.

I just finished "a project" which I’d never taken on before. I happen to simply adore thrillers, being a big fan of those "originals" ? Patricia Cornwell, Tom Harris and Dan Brown. And then I became hooked on the forensic writing of Kathy Reichs who alternates between the American south and Montreal for her crime thrillers. I also like the work of Christopher Reich, whose most recent, Source:


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