Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Margo: Gaga Grandpa?

I don’t trust my parents to adequately watch my children but I’m not sure how to tell them. Margo Howard’s advice

Margo Howard | 10/07/2010 12:00 am

Gaga Grandpa?

Dear Margo: My parents adore their grandchildren and regularly do wonderful things for them and take them to lovely places. This past summer, they took them to the lake for a few days with my niece. My children are 11 and 7, and my niece is also 7. My father provides childcare for my niece while my sister works. The main problem is that my parents do not discipline my niece when it’s called for, and sometimes she almost seems to be rewarded for bratty, whiny behavior.

Her behavior on this past trip was so bad that I felt she endangered the safety of my children. She jumped on top of my daughter and was not punished at all. My dad just seems too old to handle children, and my stepmom simply has ...


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