Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dear Margo: A Rose Is a Rose Is a Grandma?

How should a grandchild address a step-grandparent?

Margo Howard | 11/19/2010 12:00 am

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Grandma?

Dear Margo: So, my long-awaited first grandbaby is coming. The subject came up of how the baby is to address his or her extended family, full of grandparents and great-grandparents. However, we also have second spouses who were not part of the earlier years. So, being me and obsessed with titles, how does a grandchild address the wife of their grandfather? I had one — I called her "Miz Emma." I certainly never thought of calling her Gramma. I called my Gramma’s husband Mr. Martin. Of course, in those days, anyone you didn’t know well was Mr. or Mrs. or Miss. What do you think would be appropriate for a grandchild to call step-grandparents? — Source:


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